Recommend a Physicist!
Recommend a Physicist!

Recommend a Physicist!

We would love to feature scientists that you are inspired by.

What am I contributing to?

This resource is a deck of slides featuring high-impact research from contemporary and underrepresented historical physicists, which relate to teachable physics concepts in undergraduate physics classes, made to be inserted into teaching slides with ease.

Attached here is a google form that we are using to solicit input:

Filling this out involves recommending a physicist and their research to feature in this slide deck, and will take about 10 minutes of you time at a minimum. There is the option to provide more detailed information about an aspect of their research in order to create the most relevant and detailed slides possible.

You can provide as much or as little information as possible when recommending a physicist, and choose whether or not you want to be involved in the curation of the slides.

Want to create and submit slides?

If you wish to contribute directly by creating slides for a physicist, we have provided guides and templates for doing so. The more physicists the merrier!